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Open TeraTerm
  • Select the “Serial”
  • Select COM1
  • (If it doesn’t connect you may need to select other COM)
  • Go to “File”
  • Select “Log..”
  • Type/Select the “.txt” file you would like to save the data to. THE FILE NEEDS TO HAVE “.txt” EXTENSION ADDED TO IT IF IT DOESN’T ALREADY HAVE IT
  • Once selected a second popup window named “Tera Term: Log” will show during the logging process. (No need to touch this window yet.)
  • Go to the Tera Term Command window and Type “GA”
  • The terminal will retrieve the data from the specific you are on in the BODTrak II machine.
  • Go to the secondary popup window and press “Close” when complete.
  • Repeat this process for all 6 channels of the BODTRAK II Machine.