ChemDraw Procedure

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can convert name of structure to a structure.

  1. ChemDraw has a special feature that if given a name of a polymer, it will generate the monomer unit for you.
  2. Open ChemDraw Professional
  3. Go to “Structure”
  4. Select “Convert Name to Structure”
  5. Type in the name of the polymer without “poly” for example. “Polybutane” only type “butane.”
  6. It will give you a generalized version. This will assist in giving you the correct monomer unit or just generalized version.
  7. *** ONLY HAVE STURCTURE IN “*.MOL” FILE*** Delete the text after the model is generated because the text will cause issues later
  9. Draw the desired molecule
  10. Select the model by pressing the logo near the top left of the screen ChemDraw Procedure HTML c603a81bb8df177f.png
  11. Once selected go to “Structure” and click “Clean up Structure.” This will make it easier for the other programs to read what you created.
  12. To generate the name of this structure go to “Structure” and press “Convert structure to name.”
  13. Open a blank document on Excel. For the molecule created copy and paste the name you generated. This will help keep your data organized.
  14. After the model is generated and the name is on Excel, assign a number to the molecule on excel. Then delete the names off of ChemDraw. Keep the structure and save it as an “MDL Molfiles (*.mol).” The file name can be whatever but it is preferred to follow this format. “Assigned # Name of Structure” Example… “33 2-ethenyl-5-nitrofuran.mol” The “.mol” should be automatically added once you select “MDL molfiles (*.mol).
  15. *** ONLY HAVE STURCTURE IN “*.MOL” FILE*** Delete the text after the model is generated because the text will cause issues later
  16. Exit Chem Draw.